Affiliate(s): Anthropology, Economics, International Studies, Southwestern Historical Association, Southwestern Political Science Association, Southwestern Social Science Association, Southwestern Social Work Association, Southwestern Sociology Association, Women's and Gender Studies

The SSSA Nominations Committee is accepting nominations for the positions of SSSA Communications Director and SSSA Chair of the Site Policy Committee (Site Director), each for a three-year term serving through the 2026 Annual Meeting. Position announcements are as follows:

SSSA Officer Position: Communications Director

The SSSA Council will elect a Communications Director at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Fort Worth, TX.  Members of the SSSA, in good standing, are eligible for consideration for the Officer position of Communications Director; a member of the Executive Committee and SSSA Council.  Those interested and willing to serve SSSA in this capacity should send the following, addressed to the Chair, Nominations Committee:

-A statement of interest in serving as SSSA Communications Director [The current Communications Director is eligible to serve another term!]

-A brief CV highlighting previous/continuing service to SSSA and/or Affiliate organizations.

Please submit the above not later than March 9, 2023 to:


Position Description/Duties:

Communications Director.  The Communications Director shall have the following duties:

  1. a) Care for all correspondence of the Association;
  2. b) Be responsible for maintenance of and updates to the Website and social media accounts;
  3. c) Develop and recommend Association communications policy;
  4. d) Publish proposed amendments to the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws in the manner required of the Bylaws;
  5. e) Publish to the Website all reports which must be made available to the Membership and/or general public for their inspection;
  6. f) Submit a report to the Executive Committee, Council, and Business Meeting of the Membership;
  7. g) Have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Council or these Bylaws; and,
  8. h) Serve as Communications Director for a term of three (3) years.



SSSA Officer Position: Chair of the Site Policy Committee

The SSSA Council will elect the Chair of the Site Policy Committee at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Fort Worth, TX.  Members of the SSSA, in good standing, are eligible for consideration for the Officer position of the Chair of the Site Policy Committee; a member of the Executive Committee and SSSA Council.  Those interested and willing to serve SSSA in this capacity should send the following, addressed to the Chair, Nominations Committee:

-A statement of interest in serving as SSSA Chair of the Site Policy Committee [The current Chair of the Site Policy Committee is eligible to serve another term!]

-A brief CV highlighting previous/continuing service to SSSA and/or Affiliate organizations.

Please submit the above not later than March 9, 2023 to:


Position Description/Duties:

Chair of the Site Policy Committee. The Chair of the Site Policy Committee shall have the following duties:

  1. Investigate potential sites for the annual meeting with the advice and consent of the members of the Site Policy Committee;
  2. Recommend annual meeting sites to the Executive Committee and Council;
  3. Negotiate contracts with hotels or other annual meeting sites for final approval by the Executive Committee and Council;
  4. Verify billing from annual meeting hotels;
  5. Have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Council or these Bylaws; and,
  6. Serve as Chair of the Site Policy Committee for a term of three (3) years.