Affiliate(s): Anthropology, Economics, International Studies, Southwestern Historical Association, Southwestern Political Science Association, Southwestern Social Science Association, Southwestern Social Work Association, Southwestern Sociology Association, Women's and Gender Studies


SSSA President Jennifer Horan has announced that an ad hoc committee on the bylaws is recommending changes to the representation structure on the association’s Council. The Council is the body where both the association officers and representatives of our affiliate members conduct SSSA business outside of the general business meeting that occurs during the Annual Meeting each year.

The proposals, if adopted, will see a gradual increase in representation for affiliates who bring a larger share of members to the Annual Meeting as well as determining which affiliates are eligible to be in the rotation for nomination of the vice president. The vice president serves for a year in that position, then advances to president-elect, then to SSSA president, and finally serves as a past president on the Council for two additional years.

To be clear, these are not formally proposed as amendments at this time, which must be posted at least 30 days in advance of the Annual Meeting. However, these are subject to discussion at the conference.

Ad hoc committee report to the president

Projected Council representation